Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Au, Fitri

Date: 7 August 2008
Attendants: Au, Fitri

Moderator: none
Best comment from last session: none

Today's Presenters:
Au: To Flea Market for Fun
Fitri: WEB2: It is about Social Networking Website

The Session:
With an imaginary audience packing in Mahakam (in fact only Fitri was there), Au presented his observation on flea market (pasar loak) focusing on profiles of some traders and visitors of Depok flea market.

Ten minutes elapsed and still 3 slides to go. But luckily, the last two slides were the most interesting pieces that the audience didn’t seem to mind. Yet, Au needs to slow down his voice pace in order to enable his audience to understand what he is saying. There were many interesting facts about flea market that he should be able to explore more rather than simply reading the text from his full-of-picture presentation.

If only Au could focus only to one topic, such as how flea market has become a fun place to visit for so many people, his presentation would be much better received.

The photos he used in his presentation deserve an applause. They were telling! During his presentation, Au took the most advantage from exploiting photos. He admitted he had to arrange a special time to go hunting to Depok flea market for some great pictures.

Fitri used only 6 minutes of the 10 minutes she had. Improvisation was the only she would need to reveal many interesting aspects of her topic. Social networking via internet is now facilitated by more than 10 tools such as blogger, multiply, youtube, and flickr to name a few. Fitri should tell more about each tool. Brief explanation on strengths and weaknesses of each tool would seize her audience’s attention the most.

Fitri was great in opening her presentation. Her articulation was also clear. For next practice, she would need to maintain eye contact with her audience to put more strength on information she is sharing.

“What about trying to involve audience by offering some questions? About their personal experience using certain social networking tool?” There should be many interesting and original stories from the audience because some of them may be among the addicted bloggers or youtubers. Audience usually loves to hear their own voice.

Editor’s Note: We would love to hear your suggestion to improving our Kelas Presentasi. Do send us your comments! Thanks


Anonymous said...

didn't get the invitation e-mail :-(


Aunul Fauzi said...

did call your extension
you weren't there