Date: 26 June 2008
Attendants: Abi, Amel, Andree, Anna, Amel, Au, Cynta, Diah, Elok, Fitri, Lintang, Mutia, Nikma, Opick, Vidya, Vonny, Yayuk.
The Session:
Opick was amazing. Standing in front of the audience for almost 10 minutes, he enjoyed telling us about his music box. He answered about 5 questions about the computer program he had presented. Most remarkable, he did it in an almost perfect English!
With her experience, Elok was no doubt the master of the session. She amused the audience with her perfect knowledge about her subject – some tips on writing. She prepared well for this presentation.
Amel was the real entertainer for all of us in the Mahakam Room this time. She talked about her comic book collection. Her first comic. The one she bought using her first salary. Her favorite comic, about a hero she said more handsome from her present boyfriend (kidding). Surprisingly, her choice of topic to use for her presentation drew in most attention.
Congratulations for our first three presenters. For all of us, you have opened the door to the room where we can learn from others. Presentations and photoes will be made available soon.
Some rules set:
1. Next presenters will be selected by the current presenters. For the 10th of July there will be Aby, Nikma, and Andree
2. What about another one? Any volunteer? To make it 4 next week?
3. Each presenter will have only 10 minutes. Strict timing applies.
4. Structure: 40 minutes for 4 presenters; 5 minuets in between, 10 minutes for exchanging ideas on settings, 5 minutes reserve.
5. A web based medium for exchanging comments presenters’ performances will be set. This blog is a temporary one.
Start giving your comments below by quoting the name of presenter you are commenting on. Sample: For Opick, I like your English.
anybody need my presentation slides ?
you can have all the presentation slides here
P:\Official\KelasPresentasi\Session 01\
The photoes are already placed in the folder as well.
buat Opick : kereeennn....banyak hal baru yang disampein...share step-by-step nya donk....just a suggestion, don't be afraid to say one strong statement by the end of your presentation...audience usually like it...
buat Elok : As usual, nice one bu...!!! :) strong but simple...definitely your style.....
buat Amel : as a fellow comic-freak :), thank you for bringing the topic up...saran ajah, you have to believe in your own materials, that the first key of any presentation...jangan takut ;)
All... I have put some tips on writing in the folder. However, it is still a messy file... hehe... I will make it orderly later ya...
2 all presenters.. keren!
Opix idenya menarik sekali, berbau teknologi, dengan penyampaiannya yang sistematis, menarik untuk disimak and the language was so clear.
Presentasi Elok sangat berguna untuk membantu kita menulis secara efisien. Boleh ya minta materinya, karena link nya aja udah lupa
Last but not least, Amel.. ide mempresentasikan komik itu brilliant! As comics lover to another, I could say... Life without comics is not life itself hahahahaha
Bottom line.. the three of you are soooooooooo brave and great! Banyak banget yang bisa dipelajari dari presentasi kemarin. Keep up the good works guys...
Si ya @ da next class.
huhuhu miss the class - i believe it was fun, can wait for the next one.
Buat Opik...presentasinya sangat berguna sekali untuk gamers..nanti sharing2 yah fik caranya. Ada sedikit masukan buat Opik..nanti kalo presentasi jangan ngetuk2 meja lagi yah..heheheh
Buat Mba Elok..presentasi dan materi buagussss bangetss.... nanti aku mau ikutin ah tip2 menulisnya.. dan cara2 membawakan presentasinya GOOD deh.
Buat Amel... Presentasinya membuat kita jadi well know tentang komik dan ternyata aku baru tahu kalau Amel penyuka komik..:D Keep maintain your percaya Diri yah Mel..aku lihat kamu percaya diri dengan membawakan presentasinya.
Ntar tanggal 10 diumumin dech BEST COMMENT. Hadiahnya: terserah yang jadi juri donk. Hayoo, ada yang minat jadi juri?
asik menanggggggggg...
eh belum diumumin ya kekekeke
au, pasang RSS Feed dong
Biar yg laen bisa langsung langganan
updet dong updet *senangnya klo komen bisa nyuruh2* huahahahaha
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