Date: 10 July 2008
Attendants: Abi, Lia, Au, Opick, Jezz, Nikma, Neno,Andree, Tasya,Sinta, Vonny, Rini, Arif, Mutia
Moderator: Lia
Best comment for last session: Andree
Today's Presenters:
Abbi: Movies I Watch.
Andree: Stories without Word: A Bibliography minus Annotations
Nikma: One out of Hundreds Tips on having a Great and Interesting Photograph
The Session:
Admitting being nervous before the presentation, Abi showed the contrary. He used 5 slides to tell the audience his favorite movies and some tips (he called them attitudes) to best enjoy a movie. He had a very clear articulation and good control of his voice pitch. Although he didn’t use body language a lot, he maintained a very good eye contact with the audience. On the future of movies amidst the DVD era, Abi felt confident that the unique experience of seeing a movie in a theater – the real movie theater – will never be replaceable.
Andree amused the audience with his deep knowledge on comics when tearing down the myths about comics. He had apparently done a detailed research to collect materials for his presentation. He has proved his love to comics extends beyond a simple reader. He is a comic expert! His presentation was well received. The audience kept looking forward for the next slides and finally getting disappointed when the presentation was over. The way he presented, also his word choice and body language, will definitely be the model for next presenters.
Nikma was successful in using pictures to explain her ideas. Yet, she was presenting a topic on photography. She should use pictures, shouldn’t she? The audience shared a wow on her skill on composition – especially on the photo she called Hot in Between. You should be there to know what I mean! Nikma sent a very important message to photographers: for landscape photo, portrait format is also very possible! I personally never think about it! How could portrait format work for a landscape? Again, you should be there to know what I mean! :)
Comments on the performance of our champions today are welcome. On the 24th of July, you may be the lucky one to get the Best Comment Prize!
it looks very fun there!
I'll join soon i get there!
wait for me ya..
yaaaaaaaa bakalan masih fun ga ya? *kaboooooorrrrrrrrr*
u r most welcome deg, seru bgt kelas hari ini.
ASLI bagus banget!
ini aja masih nganga saking shock-nya
oh degi .. ho i misss you ..
ha u miss degi?
eh ini kok ga ngomenin presenter2nya ya? kekekekeke *sambil ngaca*
sangat suka sama presentasi yang ni'ma bawakan...tenang...santai...dan tepat sasaran..josssssss!!!!
sekarang baru tahu fungsinya kotak-kotak di kemaera :P nice slide...very attractive and look so professional
abi...tampak gugup...ekekeke...sering masukin tangannya ke saku celana...
mungkin memang gaya-nya abi gitu pix. sekarang kan lagi ngetrend masukin tangan ke saku, biar jadi obyek kamera.. *apa sih cyn!*
gw masih speechless....
maaf ya.. saking bagusnya sih..
kasih bintang aja gimana?
au............, tiap presentasi kasih bintang yang bisa diisi dong...
gw lama2 kebanyakan request
gimana caranya bikin cyn?
2au, iya ya gimana caranya bikin ya..
pix, bantuin dong.. lagi males googling nih..
btw, presenter yang kemarin ga pada sempet singgah ke blog ini ya? hihihihihi
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