Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Degi and Lia and Others

18th of December is the most possible date for the next Kelas Presentasi. Last week, Degi agreed present one. Something on photography. Wow, it could have been an interesting one. But the 4th of December session didn't happen.

Anyway, Nikma did one on the same topic several months ago. I think Degi could build up on what Nikma has laid. He can also add more depth on techniques to use an SLR camera. Deg, you may need to ask participants to bring their camera? I will bring mine, a standard Canon Digital SLR D400.

Lia said she is also interested to make a presentation. Her little cute baby didn't let her go last week. She couldn't make it even to reach the office. This is not a big deal. She may be still interested to present her ideas on the 18th.

Any other takers? Fitri? on your Web2 Social Networking? Somebody elses? Arif? Tony? Rachman? Come on guys, don't let Pak Atang dissapointed again! After the lunch time last 4th of December, he rang me, "Sorry .. I forgot to prepare the LCD!" He was in a deep release when I told him the we cancelled the class! :D

More Excuses Needed?

What a shame! But why should be ashamed? The 4th of December session didn't materialize. It is true! But the fact that none responded to my long letter (with carefully selected words to provoke participation!) should tell something! May be a lack of interest or something? Or the Kelas is not that interesting to spend our precious hour, even only once in two weeks? But why? And why can't somebody tell me?

I have been dreaming of a session everybody is impatiently waiting for, eager to wait for their turn to present some thoughts, attentively observing friends presenting, and also willing to making comments.

But Kelas Presentasi is dying now. I recall what I have been trying to do, applying what the old wise man once told me: "Be careful not to make them too independent!" I may have been wrong in taking the advise too bodly. Instead, I should have put more time and energy to make the dream come true? Moreover, many say this is a good initiative! Hmmmmm ....

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Let's Start Again!

ICRAF's 15th Anniversary preparation was the first excuse. A real excuse as nobody could get rid of those busy days. Came the Idul Fithri along with its 'cuti bersama' made it hard to even collect a few participants.

No problem! We just need to find the best 'less busy' time then everybody can join. Don't you agree that this end of November could be the time?

If we could not make it this week, let's think about early December, on the 4th. Amel will be ready to contact Pak Atang for an LCD projector. We can use my laptop - now I am using one, so long my old PC :) Some snack? Somebody may be volunteering this time?

Again guys, let's help each other to practice our presentation skills. We need a big audience! But frist, we need some presenters! Please contact me if you are interested to make a presentation early December. OK?

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Can't Wait No More

Can't expect the load ceases. On the contrary, there seems to a constant addition of work to each of us. WE CAN'T WAIT NO MORE! We have to steal some time to continue our exercise, otherwise this excellent initiative will simply go ashtray.

For those with some fresh ideas to present, please send your name and topic to me or Lia for arranging the next session of kelas presentasi - scheduled 25th of September, 2 weeks from now.

Any ideas or concern? Let the organizers (Lia, Amel, myself) know. See you next Thursday. Watch out, it will be just a week before mudik pulang kampung.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Keep the Spirit Up

This year, August was marked the busiest month in ICRAF. Starting even by the middle of July, most staff were occupied with organizing the 63th Indonesian independence sport competition and celebration. The two week preparation of ICRAF 15th Anniversary (August 26th) also took away most staff time and energy. And, most staff will not be available until the meeting of Functional Unit Leaders (27-29 August) ends.

Although the fourth session of our Kelas Presentasi has to be postponed again and again, we, the members of the this learning + sharing forum, will make sure new sessions continue once the workload is back to normal.

Be prepared!

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Ciri Presentasi Tak Membosankan

Rabu, 23 Juli 2008 | 11:00 WIB

Banyaknya pekerjaan yang harus ditangani membuat kita sering menyiapkan presentasi dengan terburu-buru. Meski sudah dipersiapkan dengan sebaik mungkin, tanpa sadar kita melupakan satu hal. Apakah presentasi yang kita buat menarik untuk disimak?

Jika cara Anda menyampaikan presentasi standar atau cenderung membosankan, rekan kerja, atasan, atau klien tidak akan bersemangat untuk mendengarkan. Bahkan mereka bisa tidak memahami isi presentasi Anda.

Daripada Anda membuang waktu dan energi, coba perhatikan resep berikut. Dengan begitu, presentasi Anda akan lebih mengasyikkan.

1. Singkat dan Jelas
Presentasi yang terlalu lama dan bertele-tele akan membuat pendengar jenuh. Presentasikan sekitar 25 menit saja, hindari kata yang tak efektif. Akan lebih mudah jika Anda menjelaskan presentasi dengan menggunakan metode mind mapping. Cara ini terbukti efektif membuat pendengarnya lebih mudah mengingat dan ‘merekam’ informasi dari presentasi yang disampaikan.

2. Penyajian Lancar
Saat harus mengucapkan istilah asing atau kata yang jarang diucapkan, kita malah terbata-bata. Cepat atau lambatnya kita bicara menentukan orang terhanyut dalam presentasi kita. Seperti dalang membawakan cerita yang kadang agak keras dan lembut, Anda pun perlu begitu. Anda perlu berlatih, mintalah teman mendengarkan presentasi Anda dan minta masukannya.

3. Tambahkan Foto dan Gambar
Agar lebih menarik, selipkan gambar animasi atau foto agar lebih mudah dicerna, lalu jelaskan dengan kata yang mudah dimengerti. Jika menggunakan slide, usahakan membuat cerita bersambung antara satu slide dan slide lain. Ingat, presentasi adalah komunikasi ide. Penyampaian yang mengalir lancar akan memudahkan peserta menangkap pesan kita.

4. Kontak Mata
Saat presentasi, lakukan kontak mata dengan peserta. Sambil berbicara, sesekali lemparkan pandangan ke arah mereka. Hal ini akan membuat Anda mengetahui apakah peserta tertarik mendengarkan atau tidak. Jika ada peserta yang berbicara sendiri atau melakukan aktivitas lain, acuhkan saja. Jika Anda perhatikan, konsentrasi bisa hilang.

5. Selipkan Humor
Agar tak tegang dan membosankan, selipkanlah humor yang relevan dengan topik presentasi. Namun, jangan berlebihan. Ini akan membuat presentasi malah kehilangan makna. Anda sedang presentasi lho, bukan melawak.

6. Buat Ringkasan
Setelah presentasi selesai, sebaiknya Anda memberikan sedikit ringkasan dari materi yang telah Anda sampaikan. Dengan begitu, peserta bisa kembali mengingat apa yang telah mereka dapat dari presentasi Anda.

Nah, sudahkah presentasi Anda menyenangkan?

Erma Dwi Kusumastuti

Friday, 8 August 2008

Tips Presentasi

Pastikan anda mengetahui kebutuhan dari audiens anda. Kuasai materi presentasi anda. Bicaralah dengan terurut dan selalu melatih cara bicara anda dirumah didepan cermin. Tidak ada salahnya anda mencoba untuk merekam presentasi anda dalam tape maupun handycam untuk mempelajarinya sehingga memperbaiki cara presentasi anda.

Ketika anda berbicara didepan audiens, maka anda menjadi aktor diatas panggung. Bagaimana anda penampilan karakter anda menjadi sangat penting. Berpakaianlah sesuai dengan situasi yang anda hadapin. Munculkan kesan antusias, ramah, tenang, percaya diri dan jangan terlihat sombong. Usahakan serileks mungkin walaupun anda nervous. Berbicaralah dengan ritme yang tepat, jelas dan tunjukan bahwa anda menjiwai topik yang anda bawakan. Tidak ada salahnya anda memastikan bahwa audiens yang berada pada posisi yang terjauh dari anda dapat mendengar suara anda dengan jelas. Variasikan suara nada dan dramatisasikan apabila diperlukan.

Bahasa tubuh menjadi sangat penting. Cara anda berdiri, berjalan ataupun bergerak harus disesuaikan dengan gesture tangan dan ekspressi wajah. Apalagi jika anda melakukan presentasi dengan membaca teks bahasa tubuh menjadi lebih penting lagi. Jika memungkinkan hindari cara presentasi dengan membaca teks, tidak ada salahnya anda menggunakan perlengkapan power point. Usahakan hindari presentasi dengan text yang panjang dan audiens “dipaksa” untuk membacanya.

Berbicaralah dengan penuh keyakinan terhadap yang apa yang anda bicarakan. Pengaruhilah audiens anda secara efektif. Hindari membaca dari catatan, jika anda melakukan kesalahan, perbaiki dan segera lanjutkan. Tidak dianjurkan bagi anda untuk memohon maaf atas kesalahan tadi. Tatap mata audiens semua audiens anda, anda dapat menggunakan metode 3 detik untuk menatap audiens anda untuk memastikan audiens anda memperhatikan anda dengan seksama. Sapalah audiens anda, dengarkan pertanyaan mereka, responslah reaksi mereka, sesuaikan dan adaptasi adalah kata kunci. Ingat komunikasi adalah kunci dalam komunikasi

Gunakan teknik ”pause”, teknik ini penting untuk audiens dan juga kamu untuk merefleksikan dan berfikir terhadap apa yang telah disampaikan. Jangan biarkan anda membiarkan presentasi berjalan begitu cepat sehingga tidak dapat diikuti audiens. Gunakan humor jika dimungkinkan, kadangkala teknik ini bermanfaat untuk menjaga audiens tetap fokus pada saat presentasi.

Terakhir jangan lupa untuk menyampaikan presentasi secara terurut mulai dari pengenalan, fokus presentasi dan konklusi. Selamat berpresentasi.

(disadur dari berbagai sumber)

IBSC TV Presenter, Jln Pengadegan Timur Raya no 1 Jakarta, 12770, T 79191059 F 79190878, www.ibsctvpresenter .com, E info@ibsctvpresente r.com, open new class start 16 Agustus 2008.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Au, Fitri

Date: 7 August 2008
Attendants: Au, Fitri

Moderator: none
Best comment from last session: none

Today's Presenters:
Au: To Flea Market for Fun
Fitri: WEB2: It is about Social Networking Website

The Session:
With an imaginary audience packing in Mahakam (in fact only Fitri was there), Au presented his observation on flea market (pasar loak) focusing on profiles of some traders and visitors of Depok flea market.

Ten minutes elapsed and still 3 slides to go. But luckily, the last two slides were the most interesting pieces that the audience didn’t seem to mind. Yet, Au needs to slow down his voice pace in order to enable his audience to understand what he is saying. There were many interesting facts about flea market that he should be able to explore more rather than simply reading the text from his full-of-picture presentation.

If only Au could focus only to one topic, such as how flea market has become a fun place to visit for so many people, his presentation would be much better received.

The photos he used in his presentation deserve an applause. They were telling! During his presentation, Au took the most advantage from exploiting photos. He admitted he had to arrange a special time to go hunting to Depok flea market for some great pictures.

Fitri used only 6 minutes of the 10 minutes she had. Improvisation was the only she would need to reveal many interesting aspects of her topic. Social networking via internet is now facilitated by more than 10 tools such as blogger, multiply, youtube, and flickr to name a few. Fitri should tell more about each tool. Brief explanation on strengths and weaknesses of each tool would seize her audience’s attention the most.

Fitri was great in opening her presentation. Her articulation was also clear. For next practice, she would need to maintain eye contact with her audience to put more strength on information she is sharing.

“What about trying to involve audience by offering some questions? About their personal experience using certain social networking tool?” There should be many interesting and original stories from the audience because some of them may be among the addicted bloggers or youtubers. Audience usually loves to hear their own voice.

Editor’s Note: We would love to hear your suggestion to improving our Kelas Presentasi. Do send us your comments! Thanks

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Postponed Session

Amel regretfully had to send an email to all members telling the session scheduled on 24 July has to be postponed. The week was a quiet one, indeed. Looking around our two floor office building, you could only find a few staff available. Most were in the field or on leave.

On that day, Lia, scheduled to make presentation, had to go to IPB for a last minute appointment. Fitri, also to present, was at meeting with her unit at CIFOR informed to dismiss at noon. Fauzi had his presentation ready. But foreseeing the session would be only with a presenter plus two attendants (Amel and Nikma confirmed), Amel and Fauzi decided to postone it until July 31.

In fact, July 31 may be risky as well. Fauzi will not be around the office during the week, while Fitri had just had the musibah kebakaran. This will leave Lia as the only presenter available. With the spirit to keep the show rolling, this shouldn't be a problem though. The session would unlikely be pospotponed again even if with only a few attendants.

See you tomorrow ..

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Abi, Andree, Nikma

Date: 10 July 2008
Attendants: Abi, Lia, Au, Opick, Jezz, Nikma, Neno,Andree, Tasya,Sinta, Vonny, Rini, Arif, Mutia

Moderator: Lia
Best comment for last session: Andree

Today's Presenters:
Abbi: Movies I Watch.
Andree: Stories without Word: A Bibliography minus Annotations
Nikma: One out of Hundreds Tips on having a Great and Interesting Photograph

The Session:
Admitting being nervous before the presentation, Abi showed the contrary. He used 5 slides to tell the audience his favorite movies and some tips (he called them attitudes) to best enjoy a movie. He had a very clear articulation and good control of his voice pitch. Although he didn’t use body language a lot, he maintained a very good eye contact with the audience. On the future of movies amidst the DVD era, Abi felt confident that the unique experience of seeing a movie in a theater – the real movie theater – will never be replaceable.

Andree amused the audience with his deep knowledge on comics when tearing down the myths about comics. He had apparently done a detailed research to collect materials for his presentation. He has proved his love to comics extends beyond a simple reader. He is a comic expert! His presentation was well received. The audience kept looking forward for the next slides and finally getting disappointed when the presentation was over. The way he presented, also his word choice and body language, will definitely be the model for next presenters.

Nikma was successful in using pictures to explain her ideas. Yet, she was presenting a topic on photography. She should use pictures, shouldn’t she? The audience shared a wow on her skill on composition – especially on the photo she called Hot in Between. You should be there to know what I mean! Nikma sent a very important message to photographers: for landscape photo, portrait format is also very possible! I personally never think about it! How could portrait format work for a landscape? Again, you should be there to know what I mean! :)

Comments on the performance of our champions today are welcome. On the 24th of July, you may be the lucky one to get the Best Comment Prize!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Opick, Amel, Elok

Date: 26 June 2008
Attendants: Abi, Amel, Andree, Anna, Amel, Au, Cynta, Diah, Elok, Fitri, Lintang, Mutia, Nikma, Opick, Vidya, Vonny, Yayuk.

The Session:

Opick was amazing. Standing in front of the audience for almost 10 minutes, he enjoyed telling us about his music box. He answered about 5 questions about the computer program he had presented. Most remarkable, he did it in an almost perfect English!

With her experience, Elok was no doubt the master of the session. She amused the audience with her perfect knowledge about her subject – some tips on writing. She prepared well for this presentation.

Amel was the real entertainer for all of us in the Mahakam Room this time. She talked about her comic book collection. Her first comic. The one she bought using her first salary. Her favorite comic, about a hero she said more handsome from her present boyfriend (kidding). Surprisingly, her choice of topic to use for her presentation drew in most attention.

Congratulations for our first three presenters. For all of us, you have opened the door to the room where we can learn from others. Presentations and photoes will be made available soon.

Some rules set:

1. Next presenters will be selected by the current presenters. For the 10th of July there will be Aby, Nikma, and Andree

2. What about another one? Any volunteer? To make it 4 next week?

3. Each presenter will have only 10 minutes. Strict timing applies.

4. Structure: 40 minutes for 4 presenters; 5 minuets in between, 10 minutes for exchanging ideas on settings, 5 minutes reserve.

5. A web based medium for exchanging comments presenters’ performances will be set. This blog is a temporary one.

Start giving your comments below by quoting the name of presenter you are commenting on. Sample: For Opick, I like your English.